Product information "Sheep Netting, Orange 90/1-14/Y-50m"

Gallagher Sheep Netting, Orange 90/1- 14/Y- 50m

Complete and easy to use portable netting for sheep and lambs. If the pasture is bordered with ditches. Length: 50m. Includes 14 single spike installed in the netting.

Single spikes.

Animal type: Sheep
Colour netting: Orange
Colour post: Green
Conducting wires: 7
Height (cm): 90
Horizontal wires: 8
Including repairset:
Length netting (m): 50
Number of posts: 14
Pin: Single
Post (1/2 pin): 22101 (1)
Repairset ( 22104
Resistance Ohm/50m: 46